Thursday, November 28, 2019

What is it Designwise to make a House Home

There are different types of home that vary in color, features, designs, sizes and the styles. Basing on my perception and comprehension, a home is a sacred and fabulous place that welcomes both spiritual and non-spiritual people. Indeed, a home is a place that shuns diverse violation thus the need to adopt secure designs. As such, I can feel safe, free, settled and calm.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on What is it Designwise to Make a House Home? specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More When I am at home, I can shun chaos and find relative peace knowing that I belong there as evident in the security features thus the need to incorporate sound features. I fancy a house that has a modern storey because they are more attractive and updated. I value a home that houses my family members since they always make me welcome. I equally fancy a home with pets because when I am bored, I can play with them; furthermore, they serve ae sthetic purposes. This makes it fundamental to incorporate designs that address animal needs. A home addresses designs that surpass fiscal capability as evident in the shape and lighting. These make one develop an inner emotional feeling. The first floor of my home has an outsized living room, two bedchambers and one bathroom thus indicating a spacious design. My house is painted with pink colors that are visible as one walks through the front door. As one enters through the door, a big lively living room welcomes an individual. The design is commensurate to the heart of the house, which is a family room fortified with modern furniture. The living room houses two beautiful pink and white couches with original pillows, a lovely massage chair and an astounding LCD screen. The textures of my home furniture are soft making them inviting; furthermore, the fluffy carpet delights the guests who prefer taking off their shoes. My living room devours aromatic fresh flowers, which are appealin g and bring forth a soothing feeling. Instead of music that distorts the silence in my living room, I use a fireplace that gives rise to a decent atmosphere thus highlighting my fancy design attributes. Most people consider kitchens as comfortable places; therefore, I transformed the kitchen making it intimate and spacious thus allowing conversations. It has an oversize, colorless bowl that parades my kitchen fresh fruits plus a beautiful flower vase with scented flowers that creates an attractive kitchen atmosphere.Advertising Looking for essay on art and design? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More My bedroom defines my personality in diverse ways. As one enters, he or she will see a stack of my favorite books, a beautiful pink indoor mat, pinkish colored bulb, a big attractive wardrobe that slides sideways and a very huge comfortable bed in the middle of the room with double headboards consisting of shelves and wooden drawer. My dressing table is located at the end of the room with a wall that has decorations in the form of large paintings. Finally, my bathroom and toilet are separate thus serving different purposes. They both have doors fitted with accessories, scented air freshener, white glittering tiles and new hand towels. My home includes all the interior and exterior designs that define a home including entertainment, study, sleep, and eating facilities. A box home refers to small residential project, which focuses on constructing a peaceful box house. This home is nonviolent and built using aluminum wooden edging with divergent woods used inside. The box home is a 19 square meter residence consisting of four rooms with the basic functions of the kitchen, bathroom, living room and bedroom. The room emphasizes the need for excellence space, quality material used in construction, natural light, and reduces unnecessary floor spaces. These attributes define my house outstandingly. This essay on What is it Designwise to Make a House Home? was written and submitted by user Meadow R. to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.

Sunday, November 24, 2019

Free Essays on Cuban Missile Crisis

cuban missile crisis Many agree that the Cuban Missile Crisis was the closest the world ever came to nuclear war; but exactly how close did it come? The Crisis was ultimately a showdown between the United States and the Soviet Union from October 16 to October 28, 1962. During those thirteen stressful days, the world’s two biggest superpowers stood on the brink of a nuclear catastrophe. The Crisis started as a result of both the Soviet Union’s fear of losing the arms race, and Cuba’s fear of US invasion. The Soviet Premier, Nikita Khrushchev, thought that both problems could easily be solved by placing Soviet medium range missiles in Cuba. This deployment would double the Soviet arsenal and protect Cuba from US invasion. Khrushchev proposed this idea to Cuban Premier, Fidel Castro, who, like Khrushchev, saw the strategic advantage. The two premiers worked together in secrecy throughout the late-summer and early-fall of 1962. The Soviets shipped sixty medium-range ballistic missiles (M RBMs) along with their warheads, launch equipment, and necessary operating personnel to Cuba. When United States President, John F. Kennedy discovered the presence of these offensive weapons, he immediately organized EX-COMM, a group of his twelve most important advisors. They spent the next couple of days discussing different possible plans of action and finally decided to remove the US missiles from Turkey and promise not to invade Cuba in exchange for the removal of all offensive weapons in Cuba. On October 28, Khrushchev sent Kennedy a letter stating that he agreed to the terms Kennedy stated, and the crisis ended. The Cuban Missile Crisis can be blamed on the insecurity of Cuba and the Soviet Union. After the United States’ unsuccessful attempt to overthrow Castro and end communism in Cuba at the Bay of Pigs in 1961, Castro was fearful of another US invasion. The US Armed Forces conducted a mock invasion and drafted a plan to invade Cuba t... Free Essays on Cuban Missile Crisis Free Essays on Cuban Missile Crisis cuban missile crisis Many agree that the Cuban Missile Crisis was the closest the world ever came to nuclear war; but exactly how close did it come? The Crisis was ultimately a showdown between the United States and the Soviet Union from October 16 to October 28, 1962. During those thirteen stressful days, the world’s two biggest superpowers stood on the brink of a nuclear catastrophe. The Crisis started as a result of both the Soviet Union’s fear of losing the arms race, and Cuba’s fear of US invasion. The Soviet Premier, Nikita Khrushchev, thought that both problems could easily be solved by placing Soviet medium range missiles in Cuba. This deployment would double the Soviet arsenal and protect Cuba from US invasion. Khrushchev proposed this idea to Cuban Premier, Fidel Castro, who, like Khrushchev, saw the strategic advantage. The two premiers worked together in secrecy throughout the late-summer and early-fall of 1962. The Soviets shipped sixty medium-range ballistic missiles (M RBMs) along with their warheads, launch equipment, and necessary operating personnel to Cuba. When United States President, John F. Kennedy discovered the presence of these offensive weapons, he immediately organized EX-COMM, a group of his twelve most important advisors. They spent the next couple of days discussing different possible plans of action and finally decided to remove the US missiles from Turkey and promise not to invade Cuba in exchange for the removal of all offensive weapons in Cuba. On October 28, Khrushchev sent Kennedy a letter stating that he agreed to the terms Kennedy stated, and the crisis ended. The Cuban Missile Crisis can be blamed on the insecurity of Cuba and the Soviet Union. After the United States’ unsuccessful attempt to overthrow Castro and end communism in Cuba at the Bay of Pigs in 1961, Castro was fearful of another US invasion. The US Armed Forces conducted a mock invasion and drafted a plan to invade Cuba t...

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Good teaching Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Good teaching - Essay Example They came just to have a professional degree and more inclined to job perspective. He also described three models of teaching process. When the teacher judges the students according to their level of intelligence and capability, he tries to generalize the students and form a standard pattern of his lectures which intentionally align with the interest and knowledge base of the students. The teacher just tries to share information with the students. The main focus of this stage is to provide clarity of information through lectures and notes for information sharing. This type of teaching is mostly common in Asian countries. Some of its specific characteristics are that the teacher should make eye contact with the student to make sure that the students are understanding the topic, make signals in order to communicate and make clear voice conversation with the students. Understanding the student refers to ensuring that the students are getting and understanding exactly what are intended. This is calculated as one of the important aspect to teaching. The teachers try to make sure that the topic is crystal clear to the students and have solved all their queries regarding the topic. The faculty members search for appropriate tools of teaching procedure such that it cause more engagement of all kind of students in the lecture and classes (Biggs, 2012) (Biggs, 1996). Some interactive activities can be done to understand the students clearly. As a student, I have faced different procedures of teaching practiced by my teachers. The process of teaching differed according to the level and standard of the students in class. I have noticed that information sharing was the main concern for the teachers. They did not try very hard to make us understand clearly the topic, but they tended to share more and more information in very short period of time. They made regular interactions and made easier communication with the students so as

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Critically analyse approaches to market segmentation that can be Essay

Critically analyse approaches to market segmentation that can be applied to the fashion retail sector - Essay Example Besides, clothing for every season is being produced to suit every market and every generation. This enhances the importance of market segmentation in the fashion retail sector. This essay will critically analyze the approaches that can be applied to the retail fashion sector. The fashion retail industry in UK is turbulent as the fashion conscious consumers expect and thrive for constant change. This requires proper market segmentation so that retailers are in a position to satisfy individual customer needs. The fashion retail market is split into number of segments – luxury, high street and supermarket/out-of-town discounter (Bruce & Daly, 2006). With the supermarkets having entered the clothing sector, the fashion retail has been redefined. It enables the time-starved consumers to purchase cheap clothing instead of visiting high street. Different retailers adopt a different segmentation strategy depending on the market and the products they have on offer. Segmentation according to Bond and Morris (2003) can either be attitudinal or latent class segmentation. Consumers have different attitudes and these lead to different behavior but this does not apply to the retail fashion sector where customer preferences change by the season. Results on the basis of attitudinal segmentation have been very flat. Latent class segmentation differentiates people on the basis of the degree of their perception of brand, price promotion, sales personnel and product line. Segmenting on this basis gives a better cluster solution which is more robust than based on attitudes. Market positioning strategies are developed by retailers based on product, price and service provision. Store images assist the retailers in determining the positioning strategies (Birtwistle, Clarke & Freathy, 1998). The retailers project an image which matches the targeted customers’ self-image world, which increases customer loyalty. The store image is linked to customer

Monday, November 18, 2019

Marketing Communication (PG Tips) Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Marketing Communication (PG Tips) - Essay Example In the year 2005, for example, tea's share of beverages grew by one percent, a positive sign for the tea market. The competition: Tea has strong competition not just from other beverages like coffee brands, flavoured water, juices, soft drink brands and hard drinks but also from the various varieties of tea. Today myriad kinds of herbal teas dot the market, and each brand promotes its uniqueness. The main competitors include Clipper Teas Ltd, Premier Foods, Tetley group, Drury Tea and Coffee company, Whittard of Chelsea and Associated British Foods Plc to name a few. In this cluttered market, where brand loyalty for a particular brand is strong, but customers constantly experiment with new and unusual flavours, it is thus vital for a brand like PG Tips to make its presence felt for the basic brand of black tea. Market and customer behaviour: With changing lifestyles, the usage of tea as a drink with the breakfast or a drink that people wake up to has also evolved. Many people prefer juice to the morning tea and many opt for diet coke over the evening tea. Besides this, types of tea purchased also vary with socio-economic status, marital status, working status, presence of children and household size. Research has revealed that the main customers to target for the traditional PG tips black tea bags are women over 35 years of age. Research has revealed that this segment of customers purchase tea for their family and enjoy it together in a typically British way. THE 5Ps FOR PG TIPS PRODUCT: The black tea of PG Tips in its original styled bag is the product in question. It has an existing customer base, which is not so large but steady. It has health benefits not yet advertised. And it has plenty of competition from a range of complementary and supplementary products. PRICE: PG Tips has decided not to be a price player and it must stick to the position. The prices must not be discounted, as today's customer automatically becomes wary of a product's quality if the price is slashed. However economy packs of the tea bag that last for the entire month can be promoted. PLACE: Prominent kiosks must be located at stores for stacking the tea. Special samples of the improved tea bag can be included with other Unilever products. Samples can also be included with complementary products like biscuit packets, crackers, chips and snacks. PACKAGING: As PG Tips is an existing brand with an old image, it is important to revive the packaging keeping the new communication and sales strategy in mind. However the new packaging must not be drastically different as it may make the existing loyal customer wary. The new packaging for the practical woman over 35 must not be overtly fancy but be practical to use and stock. It must show value for money she spends and PG Tips must keep this maturity factor in mind. It would also benefit to add a small paragraph detailing the health benefits of black tea. PROMOTION: Cross promotions at beauty parlours or women stores where women often visit may be a good idea. They could be offered tea and redemption coupons at these outlets. Tie ups could also be done with stores where women are offered purchase benefit coupons (like membership to a club, password to an online PG Tips tea club, prizes) on the tea. THE IDEA OF THE CAMPAIGN The campaign must mainly target women over 35 years old, as this is the segment that goes to

Friday, November 15, 2019

Why Women Should Dress Modestly English Language Essay

Why Women Should Dress Modestly English Language Essay This assignment makes me learn more about the main reasons of why women should dress modestly. In another way, I also learn about writing skill and skills to do research. It also help student in doing research and analysis effectively. Student can learn more depth knowledge from this English assignment. When I do this assignment I know that many women should not dress immodestly. Women wear immodestly will spoil themselves and also the society. If women do not wear modestly, they will cause people to rape them. Other than that, this assignment let me know that reasons of divorce and also let me know that implications of divorce. The reason of divorce is because of the misunderstanding in a relationship in the two person relationship which can also spoil the relationship of the two individual in fact. There are also many implications that can cause the two individual to get involved in the divorce problem. It can also sharpen my thinking skills where the research can also helps me to improve my writing method and skills.. In this research I understand more about the reason of why people divorce and the ways to overcome them.All these are important to improve my knowledge on language, grammar and also the general knowledge. Table Contents page Introduction Women nowadays like to dress immodestly because they think that they should show their body to the others so that people can look at what they can expose especially in the western countries. Some lady from western countries wear immodest apparel but in some eastern countries they do not wear immodest apparel. In the western countries, they never limit how they can wear. On the other hand, women who are wears not modestly can cause a lot of problems to themselves,the society and country. They would just dont care what they wear as long as they are happy, sexy even if it is not comfortable to them. There are also some things all parties can do to overcome this problem. If women dont wear modestly as this will never bring any advantages to them. They should always think of the effects that may cause to them before they think of what they should wear. It is very important for a woman to know what they wear and how they should present themselves to avoid crime cases from happening. They should think in many ways on how they dress can influence their performance and also the image of them.They will need to dress modestly in order to have them not involved in the issues of the country. 2.0 Reasons Women Should Dress Modestly 2.1.1Safety Women can attract rapist and murderer to get near them when they dont dress modestly. They might be in danger because anytime anywhere they might meet the rapist. To stay safe is better for them to dress modestly and for this reason they should know what they should know how to dress to protect themselves. Many of them dont know how to dress modestly and showing too much of their body until they are in danger. They think that they are sexy and they will never care of what others think. What they want to wear they just think and just do it straight away. 2.1.2 Professionalism Maybe some woman may think that they are dressing sexy to present themselves but actually they are wrong. If they dont dress modestly people will have negative thoughts about them and also they will think that they dont know how to dress properly.The way people look at them is very important because this might also relate to the image of the women.People might think that they are prostitutes or doing something not legal. Furthermore, this is important for women who walk on street as there are many people can look at how they dress.They should dress decently to show that they have good moral attitudes. 2.1.4 Staying warm Woman need to dress modestly to cover and protect their body from danger . When they dress modestly they will feel warm and they can avoid from getting molested or sunburn .They should dress modestly to keep their body warm and to show people out there that they cant they are able to protect their body not only to their religion for example muslim wear tudung to cover their neck and they are able to cover their body properly.They should dress because their religion beliefs stated that they will need to cover their body and not to show them to the men. 2.1.5 Setting a good example for others All the young adults follow the way to dress from what they see. When women dress modestly they can show to the young people that this is dressing modestly and that the young people will follow the way the adults dress. Although there are still many people who dont dress modestly when they are on the street. This will bring a very bad image to some citizens with different culture and beliefs. A good example will lead the future generation of people to the right direction and to do the right thing that is to dress modestly. 2.1.6 Respect Women have to dress decently so that people who sees them will respect them as they know how to dress. This is a good thing for them to learn what dressing modestly is all about . On the other hand , this can also bring develop moral behaviors of all the young people. They can just wear modestly when they go out so that people will give respect to them as they are dressing modestly. They will directly get respect because of the clothes as the first thing they wil look at is how the women dress.if they do not dress properly they will gossip about the way they dress. 2.2 Ways to overcome immodest dressing 2.2.1 Talks and campaigns The lifestyle club can organize more talks and campaigns to create awareness to the women on the dangers of dressing not modestly. They can educate them with the correct way of dressing and provide them ideas of what dressing modestly is all about and the importance of dressing modestly when they go out..They can also organize talks in the schools so that they can learn how to dress modestly at an early stage Show them the statistics of crime rate to them from the causes of not dressing modestly. 2.2.2 Rules Government should set rules that to require women to dress modestly. They must limit the type of shirt that they can wear and not let them to wear whatever they want although it is their choice. The government must also fine and give summons to those women who dont dress modestly as this will benefits them and can reduce the rate of cases in the country.As strict as possible they need to set rules on what they can wear which are suitable. They must make them to obey to the rules and follow what they stated to wear. 2.2.3 Parents Parents is very important as parents are the one who buys clothes for them .They ask their children to buy shirts that will never expose their body and look nice. They should avoid their children from buying clothes that will show their body. This is an important role of the parents. When they do this, their children will dress more modestly and people will have a positive thinking as when women dont dress modestly the first one people will say is their parents. The moral education from their parents to their children.Parents should not let their children to buy or dress too sexy. 2.3 Conclusion As a conclusion, dressing modestly can bring benefits to the women as they can be safe, warm and also the image of themselves to the others.These are important as they can avoid many crime cases from happening.There are many ways to overcome the problem which include organizing talks, roadshows and campaigns in schools and to the public. Other than that, they can also dress modestly for their own sake.The image of them is very important which can gain respect of the perspective of how people look at them.Dressing modestly is important to keep the good image of the organization, society, the individual and the country. 3.0 Introduction to divorce The first thing to know about divorce is that it is common and nothing to be ashamed of. According to recent statistics, the rate of divorce in the United States (0.40%) is approximately half the rate of marriage (0.78%). To maintain a perfect relationship, there should be no problem in a relationship.There must be enough understanding between both of them in a couple. This is very important where this became one of the factors that will make divorce happens. Divorce can also happen from many factors which will be discussed in this research report.The rate of divorce is increasing significantly. There are also effect of divorce to many people. 3.1 Reason of divorce 3.1.1 Lack of time Partners might not have time to settle problems in the family as there are too many problems in a family which involves the couple to figure out They might be too busy of their work and they dont have enough time to sit down to clear all the problems. They should spend more time on this to figure out the family problems that occur. 3.1.2 Difference in cultural backgrounds At the beginning, the stark differences in families and friends, and different religious beliefs may seem cute and worth a petty fight. But all it takes is a few months of suppressed ideas and opposing thoughts to wreak havoc in a marriage.Some couples might get different partner from different culture and they just could not understand each other.It is very hard for them to communicate with each other and causes the argue of the couple 3.1.3 Dont understand what each other needs or wants They might not understand each other and at the end they will think that they are not suitable for each other and ended up divorce .This will seriously ruin this relationship. Besides that, sometimes the man cannot give what the woman want for example the money that the womanwants and the man cannot provide her with the enough money.l 3.1.4 Trust Trust is very important between two person in the relationship, do you really trust your spouse? Do you find their behavior suspicious, especially when theyre talking to a friend over the phone? Trust is an important pillar in marriage. If you cant trust your spouse, you definitely cant survive the marriage. 3.1.5 Money Money always has a way of making life better or making life worse. There are only two extremes and no middle ground with money. Are you dissatisfied with your spouses earnings or monetary investment towards the marriage in any manner? This may start off as a nagging thought to begin with, but unless you discuss this with your spouse, you could be heading down the road of divorce over time. 3.1.6 Extra relationship A third party in a relationship will cause divorce. This will happen mostly in men as men will easily get another partner when they feel happy with the new partner. For example when they argue with their wives they will think that they will go to get another one to accompany them. 3.2 Implications of divorce 3.2.1 Children as Victims Most couples normally have children when they get marriage. Accordingly, divorces can directly effect on children. Children living in single parent families are more probably to get pregnant as teenagers, drop out of high school, abuse drugs and have aggressively emotional and behavioural problems, which lead to social problems. Some children decide to go out of their home when their parents separate each other, and subsequently they become homeless children. They do not have good opportunities to find a job due to shortage of education. Consequently, crime may likely be the end result. These are significantly negative effects of recent expansion in divorce rates. 3.2.3 Effect to our nation People will think that the marriage in our country is just for fun and people can marry and divorce anytime they like.In fact the government should set some rules that people can only marry for 2 times. People will think that people in our country are not loyal to love. They love to remarry and get new partner.People will talk bad about our country because the case keep on increasing. 3.2.4 Effect to the society The society will have many crisis because the many issues will appear since there is many people who will become orphan and the will be many criminal will happen. In another way, they will also affect the people in the society.Hence this might affect the whole society because divorce is not a good thing in a relationship.This issue might increase more and more in the future.Many people will suicide when the parents divorce and they think that they have nobody to be trusted. They think that the family is destroyed when their parents divorced. 4.0 Conclusion The rate of divorce is increasing like nobody business. Besides that, this is not a good thing because this will spoil the image of the behavior, attitude and the moral education of the country saying that this is not a good thing. Furthermore, the divorce rate also caused by the people around the country where people like to divorce as they like.Divorce may also caused by the lack of time to understand each other, the level of them understanding each other, financial matters that cause their family couldnt afford their life expenses, the third party which can cause the relationship to end. Divorce may also cause the children to suffer because they will become orphans.Besides that, this will also make the society criminal rate to increase as there many people will do bad things because their parents divorced and no one can teach them about the moral behavior.This will bring a very bad image of a society and country as the image is so important.The way people look at the particular co untry will be very different. Apendix Divorce rate statistics

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Essay examples --

The Sibling Rivalry in Shakespeare's Taming of the Shrew Rivalry between family is an intense, emotional competition among siblings that can put them against one another to obtain approval, attention, or love. This is an aspect that has been frequently the plot of many plays, books and films. Taming of the Shrew, by William Shakespeare teaches the audience that preference within a family may led to potent hate when it comes to sisters. A play which embodies the rivalry between sisters Katharina and Bianca, produced by their fathers and spouse candidate preference toward Bianca. Shakespeare establishes a clear comparison between the sisters through their father, Baptista. From the beginning of the play we see a clear preference toward Bianca. He discusses how their daughter are to be in a relationship. â€Å"Gentlemen, importune me no farther,/That is, not to bestow my youngest daughter/Before I have a husband for the elder./If either of you both love Katharina,/ Because I know you well and love you well/ Leave shall you have to court her at your pleasure† (1.1.48-54). Baptista freely offers Katharina with out any detachment, while Bianca should be courted properly by the men. In addition to her father preferences, the mates wanting to marry the sisters also like Bianca. As one of the mates discussing which they prefer, Tranio refers to â€Å" [The] eldest sister is so curst and shrewd /That till the father rid his hands of her† (1.1.180). From the first scenes it is clear that there is rivalry between who is the better sister. Katharine was considered a shrew for the fact that she is strong willed and independent, very opposite to her younger sister, as she is described as caring and subservient. By the second act Katharina reacts to a ... ...shamed that women are so simple/ To offer war where they should kneel for peace/ Or seek for rule, supremacy and sway/ When they are bound to serve, love, and obey†(5.1.165-168). Katherina ends her speech by telling the women that their husbands are their lords, masters and keepers, that women owe their husbands the same loyalty a subject owes his king. The conflict between the sisters is an example of a tense relationships, physical violence and a continuous struggle for attention, affection and love of their father. Not until the end of the play we see Baptist being content with the results of his daughters new husbands. The relationship between Katharina and Bianca is a realistic in its portrayal of rivalry between siblings, and it allows the audience to connect with the theme of this play. The values of true sisterhood and how its can later effect their lives.

Sunday, November 10, 2019

America Should Have Stricter Gun Control

The scene is all too recognizable. A troubled person pulls out a gun in a school, an office, or a shopping center, and he or she slaughters innocent men, women, and children. Recently, mass murders have occurred at Columbine High School, Virginia Tech University, and Omaha’s Westroads Mall (Schwartz). These tragedies are not inevitable, so people wonder one question. Are guns in our society getting out of control? Four out of every ten Americans own a gun; which leads to the perception that America has returned to the Wild Wild West. In fact, it is to be assumed that where guns are present, there is a higher risk of drug abuse, crime, and accidents. About 31,224 people died from gun violence in 2007. In just one day, 268 people were shot in murders, assaults, suicides, accidents, or by police intervention (Grunwald). Not only do four out of ten Americans have gun ownership, but an additional three out of four Americans believe that the Second Amendment guarantees an individual the right to carry a gun. Hypothetically, these people believe that they have a right to bear arms and that right should not be infringed. Part of the reason why there are such outrageous statistics is because there is lost momentum towards gun control (Schwartz). People are discomforted by the fact that a ridiculous 15 years have passed since there has been an urge for gun legislation on the federal level. In the 2008 presidential campaign, neither Hillary Clinton nor Barack Obama talked at all about gun control. In fact, Obama received an F for leadership on gun control to prevent gun violence from â€Å"A Brady Campaign† (Grunwald). However, Barack Obama did acknowledge the gun control dilemma only enough to make it seem unimportant in comparison to other issues he takes on. Obama stated â€Å"We essentially have two realities when it comes to guns in this country. We can reconcile those two realities by making sure the Second Amendment is respected and that people are able to lawfully own guns, but that we also start cracking down on the kinds of abuses of firearms that we see on the streets† (Schwartz). Guns are given with laws, and when people continuously break those laws, the government should tackle the issue; America has returned to the Wild Wild West. Along with Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama ignoring the issue, Congress has done hardly anything to toughen gun control laws. In truth, Congress has relaxed the laws very little. For example, in 2003, Congress passed an amendment to block the government from publicly releasing most data that trace guns used in crimes. In 2005, Congress gave gun manufacturers immunity to lawsuits if their firearms were used in crimes. Andy Goddard’s son, Nick, who was injured in the Virginia Tech shooting said, â€Å"people don’t know how poorly protected they are† (Schwartz). Along with the lost momentum towards stricter gun control, America has become more dangerous. According to the article â€Å"In Congress, the Uphill Battle for Gun Control†, where guns are present, there are more likely to be drug abuse, crime, and accidents. Supposedly, the main challenge in discovering guns used in crimes is the insufficient amount of research on exactly which laws help cut down on gun shootings. Research by Emma Schwartz proved laws that demand owners to shield their children by keeping their guns locked or unloaded decreased deaths among children in Florida, but not in Connecticut or California. Laws that allow people to carry weapons, which advocates say tend to discourage criminals from shooting, have brought little meaningful decrease in crime. Therefore, America is violently out of control. Also, the article â€Å"Fire Away† states, â€Å"Nationally, less than 1% of all gun deaths involve self-defense; the rest are homicides, suicides, and accidents. In a study of 23 high-income countries, the U. S. had 80% of the gun deaths, along with a gun homicide rate nearly 20 times higher than the rest of the sample. Also, in one year, more than 100,000 people die from gun violence in America (Grunwald). Some people question the president’s concern. At one time, Barack Obama promised to reinstate a federal ban on certain semiautomatic assault guns. The ban was initially passed by the Democratic-controlled Congress in 1994 and lapsed five years ago. Rep. Carolyn McCarthy, a New York Democrat, is extremely impatient with the party’s silence. With every right to be impatient, a gunman randomly fired on a Long Island commuter train on Dec. , 1993 and murdered her husband while severely injuring her son. However, when she addressed the issue to Obama, the response given was, â€Å"that’s not for now, that’s for later† (Isikoff). To emphasize that America has become an unsafe society; On the morning of April 4, 2010, Richard Poplawski got into an argument with his mother. The argument was over the family‘s dog urinating on the carpet. Richard’s mother called the police to have her 22-year-old son confiscated from her house. Richard Poplawski and his mother live in what portrays to be, a rough neighborhood. Responding as police would to any other situation, two officers responded to the call, assuming that it was a typical familial dispute. Margaret Poplawski greeted them by saying, â€Å"Come and take his ass. † But little did they know Richard Poplawski, who recently was fired from his job in a glass factory, had other ideas. He went to a private, hidden section of the house, where he grabbed his guns and put on a bulletproof vest. Poplawski shot officer Paul J. Sciullo II, 37, inside the house and hit 29-year-old Stephen Mayhle on the stoop. Immediately, both men feel dead. Looking calm and collected, Poplawski stood in the doorway and fired two or three more bullets into Mayhle’s body, according to a witness. Then, he ran back into the house and fired hundreds of rounds, using an AK-47 assault rifle and other weapons to slay off a police SWAT team for four hours. He killed another officer, 41-year-old Eric Kelly, and wounded a cop (Isikoff). Poplawski’s cringing story is an ideal example of how America lacks gun control. Years ago, national political leaders would have raised questions or concerns about how such a person like Poplawski could easily get his hands on high-powered guns. They might have been even more driven because Poplawski’s cop-killing rampage was part of a rise of mass homicides that have caused 58 people dead over the past month. Or the fact that Mexico’s high violent drug cartels equip themselves with high-powered weapons, purchased at U. S. gun control measures are silent. These are including Obama White House officials who have put the lid on any talk in pushing further gun-control measures (Isikoff). With the increasing numbers in drug abuse, crime, and accidents, America has a bad reputation. Sadly, there is lost momentum towards gun control including relaxed gun laws, Obama ignoring the issue, and Congress doing hardly anything. Four out of every ten Americans own a gun; which leads to the perception that America has returned to the Wild Wild West. The fact that there were mass murders at Columbine High School, Virginia Tech University, and Omaha’s Westroads Mall is not okay. The fact that 31,224 people were dead from gun violence in the year of 2007 is not normal. The fact that four out of every ten Americans own a gun is not tolerable. Because America has lenient gun control makes our country wilder than the Wild Wild West.

Friday, November 8, 2019

Phenomenon of escalation Essays

Phenomenon of escalation Essays Phenomenon of escalation Essay Phenomenon of escalation Essay The decision by President Johnson to go into war did not solely cause the war. There were certain events that led to this final decision. Even though sending the combat troops could have made the deepest cut, the former administrations before that of President Johnson’s has contributed cracks to the Vietnam-United States relations. Unfortunately, it was President Johnson who created the fatal blow. Logevall (1999) also claims that President Johnson’s decision was an aftermath of the decisions made by the presidents that preceded him. He found himself in a situation where there was no longer turning back. There is a floating promise to save South Vietnam, way from the Kennedy regime. It was a promise that had to be kept. Badly for President Johnson, his decision to send combat troops became the cue. Most important among these events was the repeated declination to undergo negotiations for peace. Vietnam repeatedly insisted on peaceful negotiations. The United States had other things in mind. It did not want to surrender to the Vietnamese. From the time of President Kennedy, the war is impending. It was waiting for a button to be pushed. This is exactly what President Johnson did. (Logevall 1999) It may seem that the Vietnam War was already waiting to happen even way before it actually started. The agitation given to Vietnam was too much for the Northerners to bear. They wanted to put the Southerners in the communist republic. The Southerners did not want this, and so they tried to ask assistance from the United States. That is when the Vietnam War was Americanized. Figuring this, it is not wholly America’s brainchild. Americanizing the Vietnam War is a work of many master minds. Conclusion Three years into the war in 1967, President Johnson was desperate and seeking for a way to end the war albeit in a diplomatic way. Ho Chi Minh wrote to President Johnson and claimed that they do not support the intervention that the United States has brought Vietnam. Instead of nurturing unity, Ho Chi Minh claimed that the United States brought division and aggression. (Homestead, n. d. ) In the process, President Johnson ordered many ceasefires. However, bombings continued at times when the ceasefires themselves ceased. Vietnam requested for bombings to be stopped for it to open itself in negotiations and diplomatic reconciliation, yet American did not bother. The United States continued on with its initiatives. (Homestead, n. d. ) It may seem that President Johnson was himself surprised with the extent of consequence that resulted from his political decisions towards Vietnam. It may be said that President Johnson could have found himself so suddenly in a situation where he can no longer turn back. Yet, it is also important to consider that the Phenomenon of Escalation is a fact that cannot be denied. There were many opportunities of diplomatic arrangements even before President Johnson which were put off and disregarded. As Logevall (1999) puts it, there was a choice. Presidents Kennedy and Johnson had the option to go into war or not. However speculative the reason may be in engaging into war, what is now clear is that the war has happened. Thousands of lives, both of the Vietnamese and the Americans, have suffered the consequences of death, trauma, and wounds. This being, it may not be right to put the sole blame on the Vietnam War to President Johnson. However, it will be sufficient to say that President Johnson was able to Americanize the Vietnam War. He was able to inject America, through its diligent and brave troops, in a war between torn Vietnam whose north end wanted to put the south end into communism- something the latter did not want. President Johnson also had many reasons in doing so. It was a personal decision, a decision that is influenced by President Johnson’s thinking that his personal failure is also America’s failure. The people also were not able to reinforce what they want to the president. The war happened before the people were able to enforce peace. Another reason is being put in a no-win situation, with which President Johnson had to choose the longer and harder way out. Lastly, the escalation phenomenon which the Vietnam war went through, finally leading to the Great War in President Johnson’s time, can also be accountable. For all the right and wrong reasons that he and the former presidents could have had, America has absolutely imprinted history in the pages of Vietnam’s history books. References Homestead. n. d. Retrieved October 28, 2007, from homestead. com/mywar/vietnam6. html Logevall, F. 1999. Choosing War: The lost chance for peace and the escalation of war in vietnam. (A review by Kimball, J. ) Retrieved October 28, 2007, from ess. uwe. ac. uk/GENOCIDE/reviewsw32. htm

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Relation between International Trade and World Output

Relation between International Trade and World Output Abstract This paper seeks to explore the relationship between international trade and the general world output by discussing the pattern of international trade over the years as it has grown since the World War II. This is because most of the trade done today is between different countries some of which are not in the same continents or trading blocks that will be explored further in this paper.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Relation between International Trade and World Output specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More This phenomenon is not only evidenced in the developed countries, but also in the developing countries, a concept that was earlier unimaginable, hence the great interest in the topic. This has been mainly attributed to the growing spirit of globalization and the advancement of different technologies which have made communication and especially transport not only fast, but also cheap hence turning the world in to a global village. Introduction Trade is basically the exchange of goods and services between different parties, and in this case between different countries. International trade does not only involve the exchange of goods and services across international borders, but it has also evolved to include capital exchange and even exchange of vital ideas. When these different countries increase their output, international trade also increases since there are more products to be exchanged in trade. Due to the diverse trading cultures, developing and also established economies came together and introduced a global organization that would harmonize the differences among these countries (Vaidya, 2006). WTO would from then on monitor all international trading and settle any disputes that may arise. They would also monitor tariffs and ensure there is no discrimination towards any member country. WTO being a permanent body has far much power in establishing law and order in order to avoid any oppression, and can hence establish a long lasting solution to many of the misunderstandings that often arise in commerce. It has over 146 members making it a global organization that can exercise its power which would in most cases have an impact to the global economy. WTO also controls subsidies and quotas of different items that were initially not under any regulations. It has led to much more efficient banking freedom and confidence among member countries (Gallagher, 2005).Advertising Looking for essay on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Pattern of International Trade International trade has directly and indirectly affected the world output significantly. It has been noted that countries that rarely practice international trade remain poor and show very little or no growth at all. The countries that have reduced trade barriers and increased in international trading have shown greater and faste r growth compared to those with trade barriers and with no trading relations with the outside world (Zhang, 2008). Exports have been one of the greatest boosts to individual country’s GDPs and imports has led to introduction of new technology and new inventions, which has resulted to improved living standards, faster trading, good relations, and peace between partner countries, with many other indirect benefits. According to a study by World Bank, about twenty four developing countries that got involved in international trade in the world economy between 1980-1990 became more advanced in terms of better Medicare, schooling, increased GDP, longer life expectancy, low mortality rate in both children and the elderly and even per capita income of these countries greatly increased. The study showed that the per capita income increased at an average rate of about 5% in these countries, while it grew at only 2% in developed countries. Countries like China, which is currently a globa l giant in terms of commerce and international trade, Hungary and India, were among the few countries that took advantage of the global market and this resulted to a sharp increase in their various GDP, which is still among the best, but lately strained by the Global economic meltdown. Over the last two decades or so the growth of world trade has averaged about 6% per annum, which is as fast as the word output. The economic output is affected by various factors such as exchange rates, purchasing power parity, including human economic activity, among several others. International trade greatly increases the world output as it encourages completion to some level. It also motivates production of high standard goods with exceptional quality thus favoring the world output in monetary terms. With a higher economic output, one can be sure to find countries expanding there trading with other countries since they have attained a higher bargaining power since they have a lot more to offer. In creased world economic output also brings about a near balance of trade that is almost similar to barter trade system, where one would offer an item for an item of the same value.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Relation between International Trade and World Output specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More With this kind of trade, developing countries that produce valuable unfinished goods can actually trade these goods for other manufactured goods with added value instead of having to be expecting grants and relief from the developed countries. Similar elements affect both international trade, and world output. This may include geographical segmentation of manufacturing processes similar nations trading in related goods, emergence of super trading economies such as the USA and China and producers that slice up the value chain. Due to the current economic crunch, demand for imports has increased whereas the exports have decr eased which was a phenomenon only evidenced during the World War II and the years thereafter. This has shown a significant drop in the world output, leading to lower GDPs. A lower GDP, especially for developed countries which have for a long time enjoyed a steady economic stability, means accumulating debts which will end up reducing international trade. Aspects of international trade As explained in the Ricardo and Heckscher-Ohlin theories, international trade is like new technology, which continuously adds up to the productive capacity of trading countries and the realized efficiency is mainly due to comparative advantage and proper utilization of increasing returns. Trade in essence, greatly promotes dynamism and innovation as has been seen in the USA, Japan and China, to be especially due to competition.   In return, thiscatapults world output to a whole different level. This proves that international trade and world output are actually interdependent (Wild, Wild and Han, 2003 ). Increased trading and increased world output results in standardization of many elements such as tariffs, quotas and reduced trading barriers, which results in the theory of purchasing power parity. This is a theory of exchange rate adjustments in accordance to the law of one price. It involves harmonizing prices between trading countries by using the normal exchange rate of currencies around the world. The failure of purchasing power parity across borders may involve additional expenses that arise along the trade, like transportation cost, duties on imports, spoilage for the case of agricultural and other perishable goods, among many others.Advertising Looking for essay on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More According to Ocampo and Martà ­n, (2003), countries specialize in production of goods they are best at. This ensures a country exploits its ability to produce as much as it can of the commodity it produces best. This eliminates wastage of resources on non-viable production of commodities that such a country is not best suited to produce. This model takes into consideration the technological differences between countries, especially between the developed and the developing countries. This model thus allows specialization and in a way leads to interdependence. It also leads to maximum output for individual countries and specialization leads to increased trade. Without international trade, the consumption of countries would only be limited to their production capacities. Trade allows for specialization as countries can consume products which they dont produce, with the effective exchange with that which it produces in abundance (Zhang, 2008). For instance Japan doesnt produce grapes, but it is able to consume a lot of grapes which are imported from other countries, which in turn consume the electronics and vehicles that Japan has specialized in producing. Conclusion Therefore, it is imperative that international trade exists since lack of it will force countries to be contented with their own products that they produce with their available resources, which locks them out of the resources that they may not have (Zhang, 2008). It will also lead to the degeneration or slowdown of the advancements made in the communication and transport sectors as well as the exchange of information and knowledge whose consequences will be the detriment of global and local economies. References Gallagher, P. (2005). The first ten years of the WTO: 1995-2005. Cambridge UK: Cambridge University Press. Ocampo, J., A. and Martà ­n, J. (2003). Globalization and development: a Latin American and Caribbean perspective. New York: World Bank Publications. Vaidya, K. (2006). Globalization: e ncyclopedia of trade, labor, and politics, Volume 1. New York: ABC-CLIO Wild, J., J. Wild, K., L. and Han, J., C. (2003). International business. New York: Prentice Hall. Zhang, W. (2008). International Trade Theory: Capital, Knowledge, Economic Structure, Money, and Prices over Time. New York: Springer.

Monday, November 4, 2019

Journal Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 15

Journal - Assignment Example ican economy faced a few challenges brought about by the end of the WWI, the then leadership put in place appropriate strategies, which enabled the US to emerge as the most formidable economy at that time. The period similarly came with a lot of inventions, notably Henry Ford’s breakthrough in the automobile sector of the industry, and the introduction of the radio, which was warmly embraced across various parts of the US (Faragher 597). The American literature was not left behind either as works from writers such as Willer Cather ensured that it earned its place in the global map. A similar case can be said of the American music industry, where jazz did it all for many. The prospect of ready-made clothing as well as canned foods made life easier for everyone. In as much as the roaring twenties returned the situation of normalcy to the American citizens, a part of the American population was negatively affected. Due to efficiency and high productivity of the machines, there was low labor demand, a situation that made it difficult for a considerable section of the population to earn their living as their source of income had been cut. The food sector of the economy was similarly affected due to a reduction in prices which was brought about by high food production, which exceeded the demand. The period made it very difficult for small-scale farmers to exploit their full potential due to the costly machines that could only be afforded by the wealthy farm owners. American citizens who had sufficient funds for investment ventured into successful businesses that accorded them good returns. On the other hand, the low-income earners continued to live from hand to mouth. Due to this, social classes emerged within the United States, the wealthy citizens interacted with their equals, a situation that was similarly witnessed within low-income earners. Due to differences in social class, the available amenities were not shared equally as some people were able to

Friday, November 1, 2019

International Terrorism as a Threat to the United Kingdom Essay

International Terrorism as a Threat to the United Kingdom - Essay Example Terrorist activities are now monitored very closely, and a significant improvement can be observed in the international cooperation of different countries for the sake of international security and safety. In midst of such opposition of international terrorism, terrorists are still at large and supported by different countries in the world. In the result, a number of countries are posing threats due to their involvement in War on Terror, and this paper will specifically discuss some of the significant aspects of international terrorism that have created threats for the United Kingdom. In brief, probabilities and possibilities of a terrorist attack are broadly identified by the creation of threat levels, and such creation is done by consideration of different factors that will be discussed in this paper briefly to understand the range of threat that is presently being posed by the United Kingdom from international terrorism. At present, a number of studies, and reports have indicated that severe threat is being posed by the United Kingdom from the international terrorists, and one of the major reasons of such threat is its closest relationship with the United States, which has been leading the combat against the terrorists in different parts of the globe. Briefly, available intelligence is one of the rare, but imperative factors that decide the extent of the threat. It is observed that fragment information is used by the experts to make their judgments related to such threats.